Category Archives: Promo Reel



** DXing is the hobby of receiving and identifying distant radio or television signals, or making two-way radio contact with distant stations in amateur radio, citizens’ band radio or other two-way radio communications. Many DXers have received confirmation of their WNAM reception and we would LOVE to hear from you! Reception Date: 12.January.2019 Location: Kongsfjord,…MORE

Father Carr’s Giving Tuesday

Father Carr’s Giving Tuesday

Are you a benefactor of Father Carr’s? Would you consider becoming one? Giving Tuesday, November 28 is the perfect day to donate. Thrivent Financial is matching all donations up to $10,000. Father Carr’s is 100% privately funded with no federal, state or other government funds. We serve the community with generosity from individuals like you.…MORE

Wisconsin’s Best Ribfest

Wisconsin’s Best Ribfest

Wisconsin’s Best Ribfest is Labor Day Weekend, September 1-4 at Menominee Park in Oshkosh, WI. Head to for a full schedule of events.MORE